Sunday, July 20, 2014

New Beginnings...

It has been two years (!) since I last blogged, and frankly, I have gladly taken a blogging hiatus just to live, experience, cry, laugh and enjoy life...AND, I had a baby! Enough said.

 It is this amazing experience which is most teaching me, about everything. About myself, about my relationships, aand about the kind of choices I want to make in my life. And this new beginning is perfectly complemented by a new blogging experience to accompany me through this journey.

So, what is An Urban Hippie Fashionista??

The Urban Dictionary defines an Urban Hippie as: A modern day hippie, someone who incorporates both urban and hippie lifestyles. 

My definition is much more than that...I am a new mom (a working mom at that). I am an animal lover, vegan (most of the time), an amateur fashionista, beauty enthusiast, natural remedy believer, and kind life lover. Foodie, epicurean addict, Yoga student, environmentally conscious consumer, and very coquette and feminine!

I believe all these things can be combined. They can be complements. You can be a fashionista with a conscience and keep animal welfare and environment in mind. No one has to sacrifice great looks, fashion and beauty. As an urban hippie we say NO to Berkinstocks and unshaven legs!

The urban hippie fashionista can look great, feel great (inside and out!) and no one will ever accuse her of being just "a hippie".
An urban hippie fashionista is ready for a photo opportunity or a red carpet event or simple family time with her hair tied back, a pair of flip-flops and great accessories.

Hopefully this blog will entertain you, share tips, remedies, and shopping guides, give you beauty ideas and recipes, and will be a lifestyle tool for cool, happy, balanced living.

HUUUUGE task at hand, I know, so let's get started on this journey together!